as uninformed as it is, this stuff sounds like a Sudanese last born. Ladies, like Ath I'm apologizing before... With Migz enjoying trappings from In-da-Asia, the mention of Chinese Tea reminded me of something. Isn't that like the disgusting coffee they're selling from some regurgitated coffee beans from some forest in-effing-not-in-the-map country?! WAIT -It's you-guessed-it; INDO-FUCKING-NASIA!! For the uneducated, the world’s rarest coffee bean gains its unique flavor by being passed through the gastro-intestinal tract of an Indonesian civet cat (attached) et al!! Sip that with pork and your intestines will never know how proper food ever tasted like - no wonder those smushins don't nona - the system's in shock from the day you were born!!!!
Bro, please watch out! You could come back with female genitalia (I prefer gonads), chuti complexion, slight accent....